This morning's dawn was one of those picture-perfect starts to the day. A pinkish-orange sunrise added a lovely extra red hue to the leaves of the oak trees right out side my window. It was perfectly calm and only the sound of the birds punctuated the crisp morning air. One of those days you stare in awe, muttering madly about a missing camera.
Well, my friends, today it all came together - I had the camera close at hand. My quite new, pocket friendly marvel which rated quite well in the reviews I pored over before parting with my hard earned cash. Unfortunately, this morning was also a time for another brilliant discovery. I can't take a photograph with this new camera to save myself. They say a picture is worth a thousand words - and it's probably even true in this case, IF you count all the expletives. Compare the word picture I presented earlier with the blurry, colourless travesty of imagery of that perfect moment in nature.
Exhibit A: Failure to capture a perfect moment in nature |
Maybe there's a lesson here for me. Maybe this is the driver I need to push me to read the manual. A chance to discover all the wonder this little device has to offer. But who am I kidding - I can't fight evolution. I'm a male and no man will read the manual. I might as well go and line the kitty litter tray with it now.